books by subject
Higher Mathematical Education

Math in Focus: Singapore Math: Fact Fluency Grades 3-5

Conducting Research in Human Geography: Theory, Methodology and Practice

Statistical Learning with Math and Python: 100 Exercises for Building Logic

The Mathematics of Machine Learning: Lectures on Supervised Methods and Beyond

Mountain Environments

Introduction to the Practice of Statistics

Systems Project Management

The Future of Everything: Big, Audacious Ideas for a Better World

The Biology of Horticulture: An Introductory Textbook

Math Hysteria: Fun and games with mathematics

Secret Life of Plants

Ginn Extras : Number Practise Book 2 With Answers (NUMERACY EXTRAS)

Guide to Mathematical Methods

Practical Uncertainty: Useful Ideas in Decision-Making, Risk, Randomness, & AI

Engineering Mathematics

Successful ICT Projects In FrontPage (2nd Edition) (GCE ICT)

Analysis II

BTEC: Calculus III

Project Technology: Control Technology: Tchrs'

International Organizations: Perspectives on Governance in the Twenty-First Century


Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Organic Stereochemistry: 88 (Oxford Chemistry Primers)

From Molecules to Crystallizers: An Introduction to Crystallization

Foundations of Spectroscopy

Statistics: The How and the Why - An Introductory Course

Plumbing: Mechanical Services

Mathematics for Physicists

Aliens Quick Test: English 8-9