books by subject

The Body (Art of Meditation)

Sadhana of the Heart: A Collection of Talks on Spiritual Life: 1

Hindu Mandirs (Places of Worship) (Let's Find Out About)

World Religions: Eastern Traditions

The Guide: A Novel (Penguin Classics)

Stories from Hinduism (Stories from Faiths)

Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography

Choosing a Path

Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy

How to Understand Hinduism

Sleeping on Jupiter

Hinduism - The Basics

Hindu Spirituality: Bk. 1: Vedas Through Vendantas

The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda: Set of 8 Volume

The Aeneid by Virgil ( AUTHOR ) Jun-04-1992 Hardback

Krishna: An Invisible Friend

Hinduism in Bali

Religions and Beliefs Hinduism

Ashtavakra Samhita

Special Times: Hinduism


Hinduism: Hinduism for Beginners: Guide to Understanding Hinduism and the Hindu Religion, Beliefs, Customs, Rituals, Gods, Mantras and Converting to Hinduism

Guru Nanak's Birthday

Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga

Reconnecting the Love Energy: Don'T Bypass Your Heart

Crest-Jewel of Discrimination: Viveka-Chudamani

Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint

The Way of the Hindu

The Way of the Hindu