books by subject
Historic Architecture Preservation

The Jane Austen Society: The international bestseller that readers have fallen in love with!

Hampton Court – A Social and Architectural History (The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art)

Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook

History and Landscape: The Guide to National Trust Properties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (National Trust History & Heritage)

Materials in Construction: An Introduction

The Manor Reborn: The transformation of Avebury Manor

Louisiana Plantation Homes: A Return to Splendor

Uppark Restored

The English Heritage Directory of Building Sands and Aggregates

Conservation Plans in Action

An Outline of European Architecture (Pelican Books)

The Country House at War: Life below stairs and above stairs during the war (National Trust History & Heritage)

The Heritage Obsession

The Hoo Peninsula Landscape

The Jane Austen Society

Restoration: Discovering Britain's Hidden Architectural Treasures

On Altering Architecture

Timber Decay in Buildings: The Conservation Approach to Treatment

In the Footsteps of the Six Wives of Henry VIII: The visitor's companion to the palaces, castles & houses associated with Henry VIII's iconic queens

Amongst the Ruins: Why Civilizations Collapse and Communities Disappear

Measure and Construction of the Japanese House (Books to Span the East & West)

Managing World Heritage Sites

Miss Savidge Moves Her House: The Extraordinary Story of May Savidge and her House of a Lifetime

Lost Victorian Britain: How the Twentieth Century Destroyed the Nineteenth Century's Architectural Masterpieces

Discovering Britain's Heritage

Lacock: Fox Talbot Museum

Men from the Ministry: How Britain Saved Its Heritage

Cobwebs and Cream Teas: Year in the Life of a National Trust House

Dry Rot and Daffodils: Life in a National Trust House