books by subject
Historical Biographies 1701-1900

The Turning Point: A Year that Changed Dickens and the World

Descartes: His Life and Thought

Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1626-1676 (Bollingen Series (General))

Renaissance Thinkers: Erasmus, Bacon, More and Montaigne (Past Masters S.)

Recent Philosophers

William Shakespeare (British Library Writers' Lives) (British Library Writers' Lives S.)

Son of Africa: The Story of Olaudah Equiano and the Campaign Against the Slave Trade (Faith in Action)

John Ruskin: No Wealth But Life

Women on the Nile: Writings of Harriet Martineau, Florence Nighttingale and Amelia Edwards

Justice Women: The Female Presence in the Criminal Justice System 1800-1970

The Last Journey of William Huskisson

Life on the Mississippi (Penguin Classics)

Flagship Historymakers – Disraeli (Flagship Historymakers S.)

Disraeli (Reputations)

Darwin: Adrian Desmond & James R. Moore

Nelson: The Man and the Legend

Ecce Homo How To Become What You Are (Oxford World's Classics)

Benjamin Franklin and Women

The Goffman Reader: 7 (Wiley Blackwell Readers)

A Year in Jamaica: Memoirs of a Girl in Arcadia in 1889

Young Romantics: The Shelleys, Byron and Other Tangled Lives

Management Innovators: The People and Ideas That Have Shaped Modern Business

Blood, Fire and Gold: The story of Elizabeth I and Catherine de Medici

British Victory in Egypt, 1801: The End of Napoleon's Conquest

The House of Wittgenstein: A Family At War

Last English Revolutionary: Tom Wintringham, 1898-1949: Tom Wintringham, 1898-1949, Revised & Updated Edition (Canada Blanch/Sussex Academic Studies on Contemporary Spain)

John Cennick: The Forgotten Evangelist: The Story of the First Methodist Lay Preacher Who Became the Apostle of Northern Ireland

Letters to Lydia: 'Beloved Persis'

Robert Browning (Routledge Guides to Literature)