books by subject

History in Higher Education: New Directions in Teaching and Learning

Scottish Legal History: 1000-1707 Volume 1: Volume 1: 1000-1707

Liberty Property & Popular Politics: England and Scotland, 1688-1815. Essays in Honour of H. T. Dickinson

Historiography: Ancient, Medieval and Modern

Physical Oceanography of the Adriatic Sea: Past, Present and Future

Strategies Towards the New Sustainability Paradigm: Managing the Great Transition to Sustainable Global Democracy

Science and Technology in Homeric Epics: 6 (History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 6)

The Genius of Archimedes -- 23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Science and Engineering: Proceedings of an International Conference held at ... of Mechanism and Machine Science, 11)

John Bale’s 'The Image of Both Churches': 6 (Studies in Early Modern Religious Tradition, Culture and Society, 6)

Bucer, Ephesians and Biblical Humanism: The Exegete as Theologian: 7 (Studies in Early Modern Religious Tradition, Culture and Society, 7)

Inconsistency in Science: 2 (Origins: Studies in the Sources of Scientific Creativity, 2)

North-East India: Land, People and Economy (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

The First German Philosopher: The Mysticism of Jakob Böhme as Interpreted by Hegel: 217 (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 217)

MAN OF THE CENTURY: Winston Churchill and His Legend Since 1945

The Western European Loess Belt: Agrarian History, 5300 BC - AD 1000

Philosophie asiatique/Asian philosophy: 7 (Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, 7)

Flight Physics: Essentials of Aeronautical Disciplines and Technology, with Historical Notes

Writing History: Theory and Practice

The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society

Italian Historical Rural Landscapes: Cultural Values for the Environment and Rural Development: 1 (Environmental History, 1)

The Evolution of Global Paper Industry 1800¬–2050: A Comparative Analysis: 17 (World Forests, 17)

Environmental Archaeology: Meaning and Purpose: 17 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 17)

Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities:: In the Move to Mass Higher Education: 30 (CERC Studies in Comparative Education, 30)

Comparative Education: The Construction of a Field: 29 (CERC Studies in Comparative Education, 29)

Responding to Immigrants' Settlement Needs: The Canadian Experience (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

Contentment in Contention: Acceptance versus Aspiration

On Humanistic Education: Six Inaugural Orations, 1699–1707

Hermeneutics, History and Memory

The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences