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History & Criticism

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Paul Gauguin 1848-1903: The Primitive Sophisticate

By Ingo F. Walther, Walther, Ingo F., Gauguin, Paul

Building Projects in China: A Manual for Architects and Engineers

By Bert Bielefeld

Do You See What I See?: The Art of Illusion (Adventures in Art)

By Angela Wenzel

Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890: Vision and Reality (Taschen Art Series)

By Ingo F. Walther, Walther, Ingo F.

Warhol (Taschen Basic Art Series)

By Klaus Honnef, Honnef, Klaus

Modern Chairs (Midsize)

By Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell

Movies of the 60s (Midi S.)

By Jurgen Muller

Movies of the 50s (Bibliotheca Universalis)

The Golden Age of Advertising: The 60s

50s Fashion (Icons Series)

By Laura Schooling

Design of the 20th Century (Bibliotheca Universalis)

By Charlotte Fiell, Taschen, Fiell, Charlotte, Peter

Caravaggio Basic Art (Taschen Basic Art Series)

By Giles Lambert, Lambert, Giles, Neret, Gilles

Kandinsky (Big Art)

By Ulrike Becks-Malorny

Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968: Art as Anti-Art (Taschen Basic Art)

By Janis Mink, Mink, Janis

60s Design (Big Art)

By Philippe Garner

Leben des Galilei,

By Bertolt Brecht

Frank Lloyd Wright

By Peter Goessel, Gabriele Leuthaeuser

Botticelli (Italian masters)

By A. Gromling, T. Lingesleben

Garden of Eden: 100 Masterpieces of Botanical Illustration (25th Anniversary Special Edtn)

By H. Walter Lack

new furniture design

By daab

Garden Flowers: Workbooks for Painting

By J.M. Parramon

Art and History of Prague (Bonechi Art and History Series)

By Giuliano Valdes, Valdes, Giuliano, Bonechi, Monica, Masini, Giovannella, Thompson, Sarah

American Indians: Art and Travels of Charles Bird King

By Robert J. Moore

Hamlet (Arden Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Jenkins, Harold, William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night: Or,what You Will (Penguin Popular Classics)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, William Shakespeare

Hamlet (Penguin Popular Classics)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Prescott, Paul, Sinfield, Alan, William Shakespeare

The Tempest (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gibson, Rex, William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gibson, Rex, William Shakespeare

The Penguin Book of English Verse (Penguin Poets)

By Hayward, John, collectif, John Hayward

The Comedy Of Errors (New Penguin Shakespeare S.)

By Wells, Stanley, Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Stanley Wells, William Shakespeare