books by subject
History of Central America

Modern Latin America

The Supergods: They Came on a Mission to Save Mankind


Latin America During World War II

Saint Vincent De Paul

Latin American Society

Time Among the Maya

The Lawless Roads

Ancient Civilizations Of The New World

Paradise Lost: Haiti's Tumultuous Journey from Pearl of the Caribbean to Third World Hotspot

Flight: The Story of Virgil Richardson, A Tuskegee Airman in Mexico

Promised Land: Peasant Rebellion in Chalatenango, El Salvador

The Batsford Book of Soft Furnishings

Church and Politics in Latin America

In the Shadow of the Liberator: The Impact of Hugo Chavez on Venezuela and Latin America

A History of Latin America

Modern Latin America

Moctezuma and the Aztecs

Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870 to 1914: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914

Sir Gregor Macgregor and the Land That Never Was: The Extraordinary Story of the Most Audacious Fraud in History

Where the Boys Are: Cuba, Cold War America and the Making of a New Left (Haymarket): Cuba, Cold War and the Making of a New Left

Fidel: : A Critical Portrait

The End of Time: The Mayan Prophecies Revisited

Small City on a Big Couch: A Psychoanalysis of a Provincial Mexican City: 16 (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies)

PERO: The Life of a Slave in Eighteenth-Century Bristol

The Maya: Palaces and Pyramids of the Rainforest (Taschen's World Architecture S.)

Lost Cities of the Maya (Discoveries Series)

The Penguin History of Latin America

The Crisis In Central America