books by subject
History of Czech Republic
Transforming The Core: Restructuring Industrial Enterprises In Russia And Central Europe
Franci's War: The incredible true story of one woman's survival of the Holocaust
Jewish Thought and the Scientific Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: David Gans, 1541-1613, and His Times (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
Noble Nationalists: The Transformation of the Bohemian Aristocracy
Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War, 1937-1948
Makers of Modern World Subscription: Benes and Masaryk: Czechoslovakia (Makers of the Modern World): The Peace Conferences of 1919-23 and Their Aftermath
Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed
National Cleansing: Retribution against Nazi Collaborators in Postwar Czechoslovakia: 19 (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, Series Number 19)
The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 (Central European Studies)
Franci's War: The incredible true story of one woman's survival of the Holocaust
By the Moon and the Stars
To The Castle And Back
Boldness Be My Friend
Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City
One Life: The True Story of Sir Nicholas Winton
Prague Farewell
Ghost Riders: Operation Cowboy, the World War Two Mission to Save the World's Finest Horses
My Bridges of Hope
Bloc Life: Stories from the Lost World of Communism
Czechoslovakia: The Velvet Revolution and Beyond
My Revision Notes: OCR AS/A-level History: The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995
Chasing Shadows
Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89: A Political and Social History (European History in Perspective)
Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich
Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans After the Second World War
Magic Prague
The Killing of Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich, 27th May, 1942
Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors