books by subject
History of Ireland
If the Irish Ran the World: Montserrat, 1630-1730
Before the Dawn: An Autobiography
Images of Dublin
Missions and Empire
The Myth Of Decline: The Rise of Britain Since 1945
Mad Dog
Northern Ireland Since 1945
The Irish Question and British Politics, 1868-1986
The Enemy within: I.R.A.Inside the United Kingdom
Rethinking Unionism: An Alternative Vision for Northern Ireland
Listening to Britain: Home Intelligence Reports on Britain's Finest Hour, May-September 1940
Clark: The Origins of the Clarks and Their Place in History
Ireland: A Sacred Journey
Deadly! Irish History: Fun with the Celts and the Vikings!
Wounds: A Memoir of War and Love
McCarthy's Bar: A Journey of Discovery in Ireland
The Wars of the Roses
Tudor Monastery Farm: Life in rural England 500 years ago
Hedge Schools of Ireland
The Day Michael Collins Was Shot
The Sailor in the Wardrobe
Gladstone 1809-1898
Royal Navy Versus the Slave Traders: Enforcing Abolition at Sea 1808-1898
Patriot or Traitor: The Life and Death of Sir Walter Ralegh
The Devonshires: The Story of a Family and a Nation
The Normans in Britain
Michael Collins and the Making of the Irish State
New Selected Poems 1966-1987
Island Fortress: The Defence of Great Britian 1606-1945