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History of Israel

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Jerusalem: Illustrated History Atlas

By Gilbert, Martin.

"This is Jerusalem Calling": State Radio in Mandate Palestine

By Andrea L. Stanton

The Temple of Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future

By John M. Lundquist

A Divine Revelation of Hell

By Mary K. Baxter

Electrical Palestine: Capital and Technology from Empire to Nation

By Fredrik Meiton

Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought: Writings on Identity, Politics, and Culture, 1893-1958 (Brandeis Library of Modern Jewish Thought)

By Behar, Moshe, Ben-Dor Benite, Zvi

Israel's Clandestine Diplomacies

By Clive Jones, Tore T. Petersen

Arab-Israeli Diplomacy under Carter: The US, Israel and the Palestinians

By Jorgen Jensehaugen

Doves Among Hawks: Struggles of the Israeli Peace Movements

By Samy Cohen

From the River to the Sea: Palestine and Israel in the Shadow of "Peace"

By Mandy Turner, Luigi Achilli, Diana Buttu, Tariq Dana, Toufic Haddad

Chances for Peace: Missed Opportunities in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

By Elie Podeh

Twilight Nationalism: Politics of Existence at Life's End

By Daniel Monterescu, Haim Hazan

Unequal Conflict: Palestinians and Israel

By John Gee

Conflicted are the Peacemakers: Israeli and Palestinian Moderates and the Death of Oslo

By Dr. Eric N. Budd

A National Home for the Jewish People: The Concept in British Political Thinking and Policy Making 1917-1923

By Dvorah Barzilay-Yegar

Traces of Racial Exception: Racializing Israeli Settler Colonialism

By Ronit Lentin

Palestinian Ethnonationalism in Israel

By Oded Haklai

Dreams Deferred: A Concise Guide to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Movement to Boycott Israel

By Cary Nelson

The Israeli Peace Movement: Anti-Occupation Activism and Human Rights since the Al-Aqsa Intifada

By Dr Leonie Fleischmann (City, University of London, UK)

Under Siege: PLO Decisionmaking During the 1982 War

By Rashid Khalidi

Living Emergency: Israel's Permit Regime in the Occupied West Bank

By Yael Berda

Violent Radical Movements in the Arab World: The Ideology and Politics of Non-State Actors

By Peter Sluglett, Victor Kattan

Jaffa Shared and Shattered: Contrived Coexistence in Israel/Palestine

By Daniel Monterescu