books by subject
History of Scotland

Firths (Scotland's Living Landscapes)

Clans and Tartans (Factfinders)

The Glasgow Gospel

Swinging Sporran: Light-hearted Guide to the Basic Steps of Scottish Reels and Country Dances

Land of Mountain and Flood: The Geology and Landforms of Scotland

Scotland's Beginnings: Scotland Through Time

Constituting Scotland: The Scottish National Movement and the Westminster Model

Court, Kirk and Community: Scotland 1470-1625 (New History of Scotland)

Vikings in Scotland: An Archaeological Survey

Conceiving a Nation: Scotland to Ad 900 (New History of Scotland): Scotland to 900 Ad

Northern Neighbours: Scotland and Norway Since 1800

No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland 1900-2015 (New History of Scotland)

The Scottish Town in the Age of the Enlightenment 1740-1820

A History of Everyday Life in Scotland, 1600 to 1800: 02

The Kingship of the Scots, 842-1292: Succession and Independence (Edinburgh Classic Editions)

A Global Force: War, Identities and Scotland's Diaspora

The Scots and the Union: Then and Now

The Neolithic of Mainland Scotland

The Democratic Intellect: Scotland and Her Universities in the Nineteenth Century: An Edinburgh Classic (Edinburgh Classic Editions)

William Wallace: A National Tale

Scottish Castles and Fortifications (PBK)

Sex for Sale in Scotland: Prostitution in Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1900-1939 (Paragraph Special Issues)

From Pictland to Alba: Scotland, 789-1070 (New Edinburgh History of Scotland): No. 2

Scotland After the Ice Age: Environment, Archaeology and History 8000 BC - AD 1000

The Kingdom of the Scots: Government, Church and Society from the Eleventh to the Fourteenth Century

The Wars of Scotland, 1214-1371 (New Edinburgh History of Scotland)

Robert Bruce: And the Community of the Realm of Scotland: An Edinburgh Classic Edition (Edinburgh Classic Editions)

Scottish Legal History: 1000-1707 Volume 1: Volume 1: 1000-1707

Thomas Reid on Mathematics and Natural Philosophy (The Edinburgh Edition of Thoma)