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History of Slavery

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Women in the Renaissance (Renaissance World) (Renaissance World (Library))

By Huntley, Theresa

Renaissance in Europe (Renaissance World)

By Elliot, Lynne

Painting in the Renaissance (Renaissance World)

By Una, DÓElia

Exploration in the Renaissance (Renaissance World): 3

By Elliot, Lynne

Science in the Renaissance (Renaissance World)

By Elliot, Lynne

Her Story: Women in Christian Tradition (New Vectors in the Study of Religion and Theology)

By MacHaffie, Barbara J.

Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary

By Rousseau, John J., Arav, Rami

The Problem of Freedom: Race, Labor, and Politics in Jamaica and Britain, 1832-1938 (Johns Hopkins Studies in Atlantic History and Culture)

By Holt, Thomas C.

God Seekers: Twenty Centuries of Christian Spiritualities

By Schmidt, Richard H.

Reveries of Community: French Epic in the Age of Henri IV, 1572-1616 (Rethinking the Early Modern)

By Katherine Maynard (author)

Leaders Who Changed the Twentieth Century (Twenty Events S.)

By Mayberry, Jodine

The Book of Common Prayer, 1559: The Elizabethan Prayer Book

By John E. Booty, Judith Maltby

Response to Modernity: History of the Reform Movement in Judaism: A History of the Reform Movement in Judaism

By Michael A. Meyer

Ancient Greece (Cultural Atlas for Young People)

By Powell, Anton, Evans, Gillian

The Moon (Planetary exploration series)

By Hughes, David

Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome (Handbook to Life)

By Lesley Adkins, Roy A. Adkins

Humanism and Secularization: From Petrarch to Valla (Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies)

By Fubini, Riccardo, King, Martha

Survivors' Haggadah

By Sheinson, Yosef Dov, Touster, Saul

Grace: 1890-1973 (Hannah's Girls)

By Merkel, Ruth Vitrano

The Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine: 093 (Men-at-Arms)

By Simkins, Michael, Embleton, Ronald

In And Around The Mediterranean (Seas Around the World)

By Bolwell, H., L.

Oliver Cromwell And The Civil War (Life & Times)

By White-Thomson

Elizabeth I And Tudor England (Life & Times)

By White-Thomson, Stephen, Wood, Gerald

Indians Of The Amazon (Original Peoples)

By Morrison, Marion

Canute And The Vikings

By May, Robin, Wood, Gerald

CXC PP 00-03: Carib Histo: Caribbean History

We Lived in a Little Cabin in the Yard: Personal Accounts of Slavery in Virginia

By Hurmence, Belinda

History ISEB Revision Guide: A Revision Guide for Common Entrance (ISEB Revision Guides)

By Ed Adams

History Practice Exercises 13+: Practice Exercises for Common Entrance and Entrance Exams at 13+ (Practice Exercises at 11+/13+)

By Gavin Hannah, Paul Spencer

Greek And Roman Times (Journey Through History)

By Coote, Roger, Bentley, Diana, Roger Coote, Diana Bentley