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History of Southern Africa

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Theatres of Struggle and the End of Apartheid

By Belinda Bozzoli

A South African Kingdom: The Pursuit of Security in Nineteenth-Century Lesotho

By Elizabeth A. Eldredge (Michigan State University)

To Bind the Nation: Solomon KaDinuzulu and Zulu Nationalism 1913-1933

By Nicholas Cope

Revolution from Above, Rebellion from Below: The Agrarian Transvaal at the Turn of the Century

By Jeremy Krikler (Lecturer in History, Lecturer in History, University of Essex)

Natal and Zululand from Earliest Times to 1910: A New History

By Andrew Duminy, Bill Guest

Mfecane Aftermath: Reconstructive Debates in Southern African History

By Carolyn Hamilton, Thomas Dowson, Elizabeth Eldredge, Norman Etherington

The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation

By J.P.C. Laband

Homelands, Harlem and Hollywood: South African Culture and the World Beyond

By Robert Nixon

The Kalahari Killings: The True Story of a Wartime Double Murder in Botswana, 1943

By Jonathan Laverick

African Workers and Colonial Racism: Mozambican Strategies and Struggles in Lourenoco Marques, 1877-1962

By Jeanne Penvenne

A history of inequality in South Africa 1652-2002

By Sampie Terreblanche

The South African War, 1899-1902

By Bill Nasson

Revolution Deferred: The Painful Birth of Post-Apartheid South Africa

By Martin J. Murray

Anatomy of a Miracle

By Patti Waldmeir

Insiders and Outsiders: The Indian Working Class of Durban, 1910-90

By Bill Freund

Okavango: Sea of Land, Land of Water

By Peter Johnson, Anthony Bannister

Okavango: Sea of Land, Land of Water

By Peter Johnson, Anthony Bannister

Sobhuza II: Ngwenyama and King of Swaziland

By Hilda Kuper

Of Revelation and Revolution, Volume 1: Christianity, Colonialism, and Consciousness in South Africa

By Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff

Sol Plaatje: A life of Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje 1876-1932

By Brian Willan

Negotiating the Past: The Making of Memory in South Africa

By Sarah Nuttall, Carli Coetzee

Liberation Movements in Power: Party and State in Southern Africa

By Roger Southall (Customer)

Monarchs, Missionairies and African Intellectuals: African Theatre and the Unmaking of Colonial Marginality

By Bhekizizwe Peterson

117 Days: An Account of Confinement and Interrogation under the South African 90-Day Detention Law

By Ruth First, Gillian Slovo

Pedro Paez's History of Ethiopia, 1622 / Volume I

By Isabel Boavida, Christopher J. Tribe, Herve Pennec, Manuel Joao Ramos

Industrial Relations in South Africa: An Event-Structure of Labour

By J A Grey Coetzee

English-speaking South Africa Today

By Andre De Villiers

External Mission: The ANC in Exile, 1960-1990

By Stephen Ellis

View Across the River: Harriette Colenso and the Zulu Struggle against Imperialism

By Jeff Guy

In the Name of the People: Angola's Forgotten Massacre

By Lara Pawson