books by subject
History of The Plantaganets & Medieval England
KS3 History Medieval Britain (410-1509) (Knowing History)
The Roman de toute chevalerie: Reading Alexander Romance in Late Medieval England
For Honour and Fame: Chivalry in England, 1066-1500
Conquered: The Last Children of Anglo-Saxon England
The Plantagenet Encyclopedia: An Alphabetical Guide to 400 Years of English History
The Wars of the Roses
Common People: The History of An English Family
English University Life In The Middle Ages
The Mystery of the Princes: An Investigation into a Supposed Murder (History/prehistory & Medieval History)
The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands (Penguin Classics)
The Origins of Greek Thought
European Jewry and the First Crusade
The White Ship: Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream
1066-1500 (Press for Action S.)
The Formation of England, 550-1042 (The Paladin history of England)
Castle: A History of the Buildings that Shaped Medieval Britain
English Castles 1200-1300 (Fortress 86): No. 86
Abbeys and Monasteries (COUNTRY SERIES)
Medieval England
Bristol: Ethnic Minorities and the City, 1000-2001
The Wars Of The Roses (Introductions to History)
English Heritage Book of Viking Age England (English Heritage S.)
Becket's Murderers
The Reckoning: The Murder Of Christopher Marlowe
The Making of the British Landscape: How We Have Transformed the Land, from Prehistory to Today
Medieval Women (Women in History)
The New Monarchy (Historical Association Studies)
Edward III's Round Table at Windsor: The House of the Round Table and the Windsor Festival of 1344 (Arthurian Studies)