books by subject
History & Philosophy of Mathematics

Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Language of the Universe

The Greek Study of Curves: Unit 4 (Course MA290)

From the Greeks to the Renaissance: Unit 5 (Course MA290)

Think Like a Mathematician: Get to Grips with the Language of Numbers and Patterns (Think Like Series, 1)

Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of Venn Diagrams

Euler: The Master of Us All: 22 (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions)

How to Count to Infinity: Little Ways to Live a Big Life

Story Of Mathematics

The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Mathematics

Enlightening Symbols: A Short History of Mathematical Notation and Its Hidden Powers

The Man of Numbers: Fibonacci's Arithmetic Revolution

History of Mathematics: An Introduction

Newton's Gift: How Sir Isaac Newton Unlocked the System of the World

The Poincaré Conjecture: In Search of the Shape of the Universe

Topics in the History of Computing: Unit 17 (Course MA290)

Projective Geometry and the Axiomatisation of Mathematics: Unit 15 (Course MA290)

Algebra and the Profession of Mathematics: Unit 14 (Course MA290)

Style and Formalism in the Eighteenth Century: Unit 12 (Course MA290)

Mathematical Physics and the System of the World: Unit 11 (Course MA290)

The Development of the Calculus: Unit 10 (Course MA290)

Descartes: Algebra and Geometry: Unit 8 (Course MA290)

The Biggest Number in the World: A Journey to the Edge of Mathematics

Chilled: How Refrigeration Changed the World and Might Do So Again

Newton's Notebook: The Life, Times and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton

The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom

Are Numbers Real?: The Uncanny Relationships Between Maths and the Physical World

The Remarkable Lives of Numbers: A Mathematical Compendium from 1 to 200

It All Adds Up: The Story of People and Mathematics

Math Hacks