books by subject
History Reference Material for Young Adults

Twentieth Century History Makers: Roosevelt

A Fashionable History Of: Underwear (A Fashionable History of)

Celebrate Diwali: With Sweets, Lights, and Fireworks (Holidays Around The World)

The War Years: The Home Front

Wartime Cookbook: Food and Recipes from the Second World War 1939-45

Scientists Who Made History: John Logie Baird

Scalpels, Stitches and Scars: A History of Surgery (Raintree Freestyle: A Painful History of Medicine)

Weapons: Bigger, Stronger and Smarter (Cutting Edge)

Warfare in a Hi-tech Age

War and Conflict (Just the Facts)

The Collapse of Communism (Witness to History)


The Abolition of the Slave Trade (Living Through History)




Monarchy (Systems of Government)

Medical Advances (20th Century Inventions)

Edexcel GCSE History B Schools History Project: Medicine (1A) and Surgery (3A) SB 2013 (Edexcel GCSE SHP History 2013)

History (GCSE Success Guides S.)

History of Medicine: Medicine In The Middle Ages

Early Civilizations (Usborne Illustrated World History)

The History Of Medicine: Renaissance Medicine

Every Place Has a History

Every Building Has a History

Groundbreakers Louis Pasteur Hardback

Far From Home: Refugees and migrants fleeing war, persecution and poverty

The Rise of the Devon Seaside Resorts, 1750-1900

Philip's History Atlas