books by subject
History Reference Material for Young Adults

Monarchy (Systems of Government)

History Of Canals

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle

I'm Good At History, What Job Can I Get?

Modern World History Combined edition

Modern World History (Cambridge History Programme Key Stage 4)

Dick Whittington

Prince Caspian: Book 4

Celts (Myths & Legends)

France Today

A Fashionable History Of: the Shoe (A Fashionable History of)

A Fashionable History Of: Underwear (A Fashionable History of)

Celebrate Diwali: With Sweets, Lights, and Fireworks (Holidays Around The World)

The War Years: The Home Front

Wartime Cookbook: Food and Recipes from the Second World War 1939-45

Scientists Who Made History: John Logie Baird

Scalpels, Stitches and Scars: A History of Surgery (Raintree Freestyle: A Painful History of Medicine)

Weapons: Bigger, Stronger and Smarter (Cutting Edge)

Warfare in a Hi-tech Age

War and Conflict (Just the Facts)

The Collapse of Communism (Witness to History)


The Abolition of the Slave Trade (Living Through History)




Troubled World: United Nations Hardback: Keeping the Peace

Euthanasia (Just the Facts)

In The News: The Arms Trade