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History & Survey of Philosophy

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Religion in the Ancient Greek City

By Zaidman, Louise Bruit

The Cambridge Companion to Plato (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

By Kraut, Richard

Naming and Necessity (Library of Philosophy & Logic)

By Saul Kripe, Kripke

Adorno: A Critical Reader (Blackwell Critical Reader)

By Gibson, Nigel

Philosophies of History: From Enlightenment to Post-Modernity

By Burns, Robert M.

Adorno Reader (Wiley Blackwell Readers)

By O'Connor, O'Connor

What is Social Theory P: The Philosophical Debates (Blackwell Companions to Social Theory)

By Sica, Alan

Philosophical Investigations

By Wittgenstein, Ludwig

The Illusions of Postmodernism

By Eagleton, Terry

Metaphysics: An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)

By Kim, Jaegwon, Sosa, Ernest

Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide

By Teichman, Jenny, Evans, Katherine C.

Heidegger Dictionary P (Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries)

By Inwood, Michael

The Mind-Body Problem: A Guide to the Current Debate

By Warner, Richard, Szubka, Tadeusz

Truth about Postmodernism

By Norris, Christopher

Broken Middle: Out of Our Ancient Society

By Gillian Rose

Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom: vol1 (Philosophy and the Eclipse of Reason)

By Roy Bhaskar

Irigaray Reader: Luce Irigaray (Wiley Blackwell Readers)

By Whitford, Margaret

Political Theory and Modernity (Ideas)

By Connolly, WILLIAM

On Certainty: Parallel Text (Set Books / Open University)

By Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Anscombe, G. E. M., von Wright, G. H., Paul, Denis

The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change

By Harvey, David

Life And Meaning: A Philosophical Reader (Historical Association Studies)


Berkeley: An Introduction

By Dancy, Jonathan

Trying to Make Sense

By Winch

Philosophical Investigations

By Ludwig Wittgenstein, G.E.M. Anscombe

Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness

By Blakemore

Ideas of Human Nature: An Historical Introduction

By Trigg

Foucault Critical Reader: An Introduction (Blackwell Critical Reader)

By Hoy, David

Wittgenstein Rules and Private Language: An Elementary Exposition

By Kripke, Saul

Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Vol.1

By Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Zettel 2e (Open University Set Books)

By Wittgenstein, Ludwig