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Hobbies & Crafts

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Rethinking Acrylic: Radical Solutions for Exploiting the World's Most Versatile Medium

By Brady, Patti

Pretty Little Felts: Mixed-Media Crafts To Tickle Your Fancy

By Collings, Julie

Mural Magic: Painting Scenes on Furniture and Walls

By Kline, Corie

The Watercolourist's Essential Notebook: A Treasury of Watercolour Tricks and Techniques Discovered Through Years of Painting and Experimentation

By Mackensie storeM, Gordon

Crochet a Farm: 19 Cute-as-Can-be Barnyard Animals

By Megan Kreiner

Pop Painting: Inspiration and Techniques from the Pop Surrealism Art Phenomenon

By Camilla D'Errico

New Braiding Handbook: 60 Modern Twists on the Classic Hairstyle

By Smith, Abby

Patterns of the Universe: A Coloring Adventure in Math and Beauty

By Bellos, Alex

Simple Natural Soapmaking

By Jan Berry

How to Draw Portraits in Charcoal

By Nathan Fowkes

Hand Lettering A to Z Workbook: Essential Instruction and 80+ Worksheets for Modern and Classic Styles - Easy Tear-Out Practice Sheets for Alphabets, Quotes, and More

By Sy, Abbey

Draw 62 Animals and Make Them Happy: Step-by-Step Drawing for Characters and Personality - For Artists, Cartoonists, and Doodlers (4)

By Runyan, Terry

52 Lists for Happiness: Weekly Journaling Inspiration for Positivity, Balance, and Joy

By Moorea Seal

Doodling for Bookworms: 50 inspiring doodle prompts and creative exercises for literature buffs

By Correll, Gemma

Doodling for Tree Huggers & Nature Lovers: 50 inspiring doodle prompts and creative exercises for outdoorsy types

By Correll, Gemma

Beginning Acrylic: Tips and techniques for learning to paint in acrylic: 1 (Portfolio)

By Gertsch, Susette Billedeaux

Modern Drawing: A contemporary exploration of drawing and illustration: 1 (Modern Series)

By Ward, Chelsea

Cat Butt: An Off-Color Adult Coloring Book for Cat Lovers

By Honey Badger Coloring

I Wasn't Born Bulletproof: Lessons I've Learned (So You Don't Have To)

By Maci Bookout

The Crafty Kid: Projects for and with Children

By Kelly Doust

The Scandinavian Belly Fat Program: 12 weeks to get healthy, boost your energy and lose weight

By Berit Nordstrand

Sewing (Company's Coming Craft)

A Forger's Tale: Confessions of the Bolton Forger

By Greenhalgh, Shaun, Januszczak, Waldemar

Lonely Planet Ultimate Travel Coloring Book

By Lonely Planet

Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book: 1

By Basford, Johanna

Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest & Colouring Book: 1

By Basford, Johanna

50 Human Brain Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

By Costandi, Moheb

The Mandalas Colouring Book: Just Add Colour and Create a Masterpiece (Just ADD Colour series)

By Beverley Lawson

The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book: Cityscapes: Twenty exotic locations to complete yourself

By Thomas Pavitte

Draw People in 15 Minutes: Amaze Your Friends With Your Drawing Skills (Draw in 15 Minutes)

By Jake Spicer