books by subject
Humorous Fiction

Mr. Grumpy (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Silly (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Clever: 37 (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Topsy-Turvy: 9 (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Fussy (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Skinny (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Worry (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Bounce: 22 (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Perfect (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Busy (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Uppity: 11 (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Don't Read This Book!

Mr. Strong and the Ogre (Mr. Men & Little Miss Magic)

The Adventures of the Wishing-Chair

The Wishing-Chair Again (The Wishing-Chair Series)

Eight O'Clock Tales (The O'Clock Tales)

Mr. Men: A Christmas Carol (Mr. Men & Little Miss Celebrations)

Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear

Mr. Men: The Night Before Christmas (Mr. Men & Little Miss Celebrations)

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Frightful Night

My Sister the Vampire: Book 3 (Revamped!)

The Island of Surprises (The New Adventures of the Wishing-Chair)

The Land of Mythical Creatures (The New Adventures of the Wishing-Chair)

The Monkey Pirates

Little Miss Shy and the Fairy Godmother (Mr. Men & Little Miss Magic)

Mr. Nosey and the Beanstalk (Mr. Men & Little Miss Magic)

What's for Dinner, Mr Gum?

Mr. Men: 12 Days of Christmas (Mr. Men & Little Miss Celebrations)

Mr. Clever (Mr. Men Classic Library)