books by subject

Key to the British Fresh and Brackish Water Gastropods (Scientific Publications)

Observer's Book of Aircraft (Observer's Pocket S.)

A World in a Shell: Snail Stories for a Time of Extinctions

Marine Electronic Navigation


Collins Gem - Sharks

A Natural History of Shells (Princeton Science Library): 15

Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness

The Concise Illustrated Book of Sharks

Rivers, Ponds and Lakes (Alpha Books S.)

Floodplain Management: A New Approach for a New Era

Eyewitness Quickstart: Shark (DK Eyewitness)

Shells (Usborne Spotter's Guide)

Key to the Larvae of the British Ephemeroptera: With Ecological Notes

Animals of the Surface Film (Naturalists' Handbook): 12 (Naturalists' Handbooks)

Land Hermit Crabs (Herpetocultural Library)

The Seashore (Usborne New Spotters' Guides)

Animals of the Ocean, in Particular the Giant Squid (How): 03

Giants of the Sea: Whales, Dolphins and Their Habits

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Descriptive Physical Oceanography: An Introduction


Imperiled Reef: The Fascinating, Fragile Life of a Caribbean Wonder

Observing the Countryside And Seashore

Fishing: Impossible: Three Fishing Fanatics. Ten Epic Adventures. The TV Tie-in Book to the BBC Worldwide Series with ITV, Set in British Columbia, ... Africa, Scotland, Thailand, Peru and Norway


Modern Marine Salvage

Gem Guide to Pond Life (Collins Gems)

Journey Under The Sea