books by subject
Industrial Archaeology

Finance for the Non-accountant

Agriculture and the European Community: 2 (Studies on contemporary Europe)

Introduction to Farming Systems

Increasing the Contribution of Small-scale Fisheries to Poverty Alleviation and Food Security (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper)

Strategic Assessment of the Potential for Freshwater Fish Farming in Latin America: No. 10. (COPESCAL Technical Paper)

The Name of the Game: The Business of Sports

The Pharmaceutical Industry (Global Industries Uncovered)

The Partnership Charter: How to Start Out Right with Your New Business Partnership (or Fix the One You're In)


Profile of the Hotel and Catering Industry

A Strategic Reassessment of Fish Farming Potential in Africa (CIFA Technical Paper) (Cifa Technical Papers)

Understanding Industry Now

Personal Development and Management Skills (UK Higher Education Business Management)

Successful Expansion for the Small Business: "Daily Telegraph" Guide

The International Business Environment

Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions

Industrialisation and Society, 1750-1914 (Challenging History S.)

Plastics Additives: An A-Z reference: 1 (Polymer Science and Technology Series, 1)

Paying For Welfare: Towards 2000

The Business Environment: Challenges and Changes

World Industry and Making Goods: Vol 7 (World Geography S.)

Producing Pop: Culture and Conflict in the Popular Music Industry

Renewing Public Management: An Agenda for Local Governance (Managing Local Government)

Your Idea Can Make You Rich

Agricultural Markets Beyond Liberalization

Entrepreneurs and Parasites: The Struggle for Indigenous Capitalism in Zaire

Tourism: Principles and Practice

Trees and Timber Products (Development without Damage)

Introduction to Social Administration in Britain