books by subject

Industrial Design Studies

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The International Design Year Book 1985-86

By Stern, Robert A. M.

1 available

London in Fifty Design Icons: Design Museum Fifty

By Design Museum Enterprise Limited, Sudjic, Deyan

1 available

Product Design (Designpocket) (Designpocket S.)

By Hector Roqueta, Hector Roqueta

1 available

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

By Farzaneh, Masoud

[(Computational Mechanics : Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems)] [Edited by C.A.Mota Soares ] published on (July, 2006)

By C.A.Mota Soares

Signs and Symbols (Communicating with Pattern)

By Keith Stephenson, Mark Hampshire

Hydrological Dimensioning and Operation of Reservoirs: Practical Design Concepts and Principles: 39 (Water Science and Technology Library, 39)

By Nagy, I.V., Asante-Duah, K., Zsuffa, I.

Energy Dissipators and Hydraulic Jump: 8 (Water Science and Technology Library, 8)

By Hager, Willi H.

Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (Manufacturing Engineering & Materials Processing)

By Boothroyd, Geoffrey, Dewhurst, Peter, Knight, Winston A.

The Language of Things

By Sudjic, Deyan

Digital Logic Techniques (Tutorial Guides in Electronic Engineering)

By Stonham, T. J.


By Husserl, Edmund

Fifty Bicycles That Changed the World: Design Museum Fifty

By Newson, Alex

Memory and Modernity: Viollet-le-Duc at Vezelay: Viollet-le-Duc at Vézelay

By Murphy, Kevin D.

Botanical Illustration Course with the Eden Project

By Martin, Rosie, Thurstan, Meriel

Experimental Formats/Experimental Packaging

By Mason, Daniel, Fawcett-Tang, Roger

Industrial Design (World of Art)


Design Directory: Italy (Design Directories)

By Neumann, Claudia

Engineering Applications: A Project-Based Approach: A Project Resource Book

By Ritchie, James

The Business of Fashion

By Drew, Linda

The New Book of Chinese Lattice Designs (Dover Pictorial Archives)

By Dye, Daniel S., Balderston Conrad, Nancy

Designs for Small Spaces

By Hudson, Jennifer

Successful Food Packaging Design

By Hargreaves, Ben

PIC: Your Personal Introductory Course

By Morton, John

Understanding Industrial Practices Design Technology: Product Design

By Cresswell, Lesley

Reinforced Concrete Design

By Mosley, W. H., Bungey, J.H., Hulse, Ray, R.

Microcomputer Interfacing and Applications

By Mustafa, M. A.

The Future of Making

By Tom Wujec

The Zombie Apocalypse Guide to 3D printing: Designing and printing practical objects

By Smyth, Clifford T

Design Secrets: Products: 50 Real-Life Projects Uncovered

By Industrial Designers Society of America