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Infectious & Contagious Diseases

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Lecture Notes on the Infectious Diseases

By Warin, J.F., Ironside, Alastair G.

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry (Dental S.)

By Samaranayake Hon DSc Hon FDSRCS (Edin) DDS(Glas) BDS FRCPath FHKCPath MIBiol FCDSHK FHKAM(Path) FHKAM(DSurg), Lakshman

Understanding Coronavirus (Understanding Life)

By Rabadan, Raul

Colour Atlas of Infectious Diseases

By Welsby Dr., Philip D, Rowland, H. A. K., Emond Dr., Ronald T.

Personal and Community Health (Nurses' Aids S.)

By Jackson, Sheila Mary, Lane, Susan

The Penguin Dictionary of Science (Penguin reference books)

By Isaacs, Alan, Chapman, D., Uvarov, E., D. R. Chapman, Alan Isaacs, E. B. Uvarov

The Fever Trail - The Hunt for The Cure for Malaria

By Honigsbaum, Mark

Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Virology: A Q&A Approach for Specialist Medical Trainees

By Moore, Luke S. P.

Guidelines for Cytology Procedures and Reporting in Breast Cancer Screening

By Cytology Sub Group of the National Coordinating Committee for Breast Screening Pathology

Infection (Pocket Consultant)

By Emond

Elements of Human Cancer (The Jones and Bartlett Series in Biology)

By Cooper, Geoffrey M.

Immunology (Fundamentals of Biomedical Science)

By Hall, Angela, Yates, Christine

HIV/AIDS: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

By Whiteside OBE, Alan

Precision Attachments (Dental Practical Handbooks)

By Ray, G.E.

Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Bagg, Jeremy, etc., Macfarlane, Wallace, Poxton, Ian, Miller, Chris

Lecture Notes on the Infectious Diseases

By Warin

HIV Positive

By Jarvis, Debra

How to Survive a Plague: The Story of How Activists and Scientists Tamed AIDS

By France, David

A contemporary reading of The spiritual exercises: A companion to St. Ignatius' text (Series IV--Study aids on Jesuit topics)


Colour Atlas of Infectous Diseases

By Emond, Ronald T. D., Rowland, H. A. K., Welsby, Philip D.

Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis: Biology and Control

By Hide, Geoff, Mottram, Jeremy, Coombs, Graham H., Holmes, Peter

Drug Resistance in Leishmania Parasites: Consequences, Molecular Mechanisms and Possible Treatments

By Ponte-Sucre, Alicia, Diaz, Emilia, Padrón-Nieves, Maritza

Drug Resistance in Leishmania Parasites: Consequences, Molecular Mechanisms and Possible Treatments

By Ponte-Sucre, Alicia, Padrón-Nieves, Maritza

Progress in Human African Trypanosomiasis, Sleeping Sickness

By Dumas, Michel, Bouteille, Bernard, Buguet, Alain

Antimicrobial Drug Action (Medical Perspectives)

By Lambert, Dr Peter, Singleton, Mr Paul, Williams, R.A.D.

Essentials of Antimicrobial Pharmacology: A Guide to Fundamentals for Practice

By Axelsen, MD Paul H.

Microbiology and Immunology (Board Review Series)

By Johnson, Arthur G.

Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple

By Gladwin, Mark, Trattler, B.

Kenneth Warren and the Great Neglected Diseases of Mankind Programme: The Transformation of Geographical Medicine in the US and Beyond (Springer Biographies)

By Keating, Conrad

The Causes and Impacts of Neglected Tropical and Zoonotic Diseases: Opportunities for Integrated Intervention Strategies: Workshop Summary

By Institute of Medicine, Board on Global Health, Forum on Microbial Threats, Relman, David A., Choffnes, Eileen R.