books by subject

Information Management

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The Relationship Advantage: Information Technologies, Sourcing, and Management

By KERN, Thomas, Willcocks, Leslie P. Professor

Organizational Knowledge: The Texture of Workplace Learning (Organization and Strategy)

By Gherardi, Silvia, Nicolini, Davide

A Strategy for Using Multicriteria Analysis in Decision-Making: A Guide for Simple and Complex Environmental Projects

By Munier, Nolberto

Project Management for Environmental, Construction and Manufacturing Engineers: A Manual for Putting Theory into Practice

By Munier, Nolberto

Environmental Management Accounting for Cleaner Production: 24 (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 24)

By Schaltegger, Stefan, Bennett, Martin, Burritt, Roger L., Jasch, Christine M.

Communication Power

By Castells, Manuel

Systems Analysis Design

By Kendall

Death March

By Yourdon, Edward

Managing Mailing Lists: Majordomo, LISTSERV, Listproc, and SmartList

By Alan Schwartz

Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction

By Hislop, Donald

Strategic Information Systems Management

By Kevin Grant, Ray Hackney, David Edgar

Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems: International Edition

By Turban, Efraim, Sharda, Ramesh E, Delen, Dursun

Business in a Virtual World: Exploiting Information for Competitive Advantage (MacMillan Business)

By Czerniawska, Fiona, Potter, G.

Business of Tourism, The


Rebooting Work: Transform How You Work in the Age of Entrepreneurship

By Webb, Maynard, Adler, Carlye

Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services (The MIT Press)

By Glushko, Robert J, Mcgrath, Tim

The Future of the Book in the Digital Age (Information Professional S)

By Cope, Bill, Phillips, Angus

Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis (The Enterprise Engineering Series)

By Lankhorst, Marc

Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Fourth Annual Edition

By Brady, Joseph a, Monk, Ellen F

The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: "On Robustness and Fragility": 2 (Incerto)

By Taleb, Nassim Nicholas Nicholas

Managing Knowledge, Second Edition: An Essential Reader (Published in association with The Open University)

By Stephen Little, Tim Ray, Little, Stephen

The Integrated Architecture Framework Explained: Why, What, How

By van't Wout, Jack, Waage, Maarten, Hartman, Herman, Stahlecker, Max, Hofman, Aaldert

Global Sourcing of Information Technology and Business Processes: 4th International Workshop, Global Sourcing 2010, Zermatt, Switzerland, March 22-25, ... Notes in Business Information Processing,...

By Oshri, Ilan, Kotlarsky, Julia

Global Outsourcing Discourse: Exploring Modes of IT Governance (Technology, Work and Globalization)

By Lioliou, Eleni, Willcocks, Leslie P.

Business Information: Technologies and Strategies

By Thomas, Richard, Ballard, Mike

Information Systems: A Management Perspective

By Alter, Steven L.

Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values, A Guidebook for Executives, Managers, and Students

By Kaufman, Ira, Horton, Chris

Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management for the E-Business

By Bocij, Paul, Greasley, Andrew, Hickie, Simon

Developing Information Systems: Concepts, Issues and Practice: 1 (Information Systems Series)

By Avgerou, Chrisanthi, Cornford, Tony

Business Analysis For Dummies

By Kupersmith, Kupe