books by subject

Invasive Alien Arthropod Predators and Parasitoids: An Ecological Approach: 13 (Progress in Biological Control, 13)

Karyotypes of Parasitic Hymenoptera

Pests of Crops in Warmer Climates and Their Control

Processionary Moths and Climate Change : An Update

Your First Millipede and Cockroach

Big Bugs Life-Size

Crazy Creepy Crawlies (Extreme Animals)

i-SPY Butterflies and Moths: Spy it! Score it! (Collins Michelin i-SPY Guides)

The Wildlife Trust's Guide to Butterflies and Moths (The Wildlife Trusts series)

Minibeasts: Ladybird First Fabulous Facts

Minibeasts (Outdoor Explorers)

Minibeasts in a Pond: 7 (Where to Find Minibeasts)

Starters: Minibeasts

Minibeasts Under a Stone (Where to Find Minibeasts)

A field guide to caterpillars of butterflies and moths in Britain and Europe

Keeping Bees And Making Honey

The Private Life of Spiders

The Caterpillar Story (Rainbows Nature S.)

West African Butterflies and Moths (West African Nature Handbooks)

Medical Entomology for Students

Butterflies and Moths (Nature Watch S.)

Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence

Handguide to the Butterflies and Moths of Britain and Europe

Brilliant Bugs

Are You a Grasshopper? (Up the Garden Path S.)


Tarantulas and Scorpions

The Hive

Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War