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Instruments & Measurements

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The Science of Algal Fuels: Phycology, Geology, Biophotonics, Genomics and Nanotechnology: 25 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 25)

By Gordon, Richard, Seckbach, Joseph

Science Magic in the Living Room

By Robinson, Richard, Rowe, Alan

Complete Advanced Level Mathematics - Statistics Core Book

By McGill, Fiona, McLennan, Stewart, Migliorini, Jane, Fiona McGill, Stewart Mclennan, Jane Migliorini

Take Nobody's Word For IT(Pb)


Measures of Genius: The scientists who gave their name to units of measure

By Durden, Alan R

Really Rotten Experiments (Horrible Science)

By Arnold, Nick, De Saulles, Tony

The Mad Science Book: Experiments from the Wilder Side of Science

By Reto U. Schneider, Peter Lewis

How Can Solids Be Changed? (Investigating Science)

By Bailey, Jacqui

101 Cool Science Experiments (Cool Series)

By Singleton, Glen

Exploring the Unknown: Stories of the Supernatural Through the Centuries

By Editors of Reader's Digest

First Science: 1 (Practise at home - science)

By Harker, Jillian, James, Claire

Famously Foul Experiments (Horrible Science Handbooks)

By Arnold, Nick, Smith, Dave

Elegant Solutions: Ten Beautiful Experiments in Chemistry

By Ball, Philip, Philip Ball

Beyond Measure: The Hidden History of Measurement

By Vincent, James

Scientific Unit Conversion: A Practical Guide to Metrication

By Cardarelli, Francois, Shields, M.J.

How Your Brain Works: Neuroscience Experiments for Everyone

By Gage, Greg, Marzullo, Tim

SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 10.0 Update

By George, Darren, Mallery, Paul

Mouse Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols: 633 (Methods in Molecular Biology)

By Ward, Andrew, Tosh, David

The First Book of the Piano (First Music)

By Miles, John, Tatchell, Judy

Science Magic in the Kitchen

By Robinson, Richard, Wright, Joe

Simple Machines (Sci. Experiment)

By Nankivell-Aston, S, Jackson, D

A Dictionary of Weights, Measures, and Units (Oxford Quick Reference)

By Fenna, Donald

How Heavy, How Much and How Long?: Weights, Money and Other Measures Used by Our Ancestors (Chapman's Records Cameos S.)

By Chapman, Colin R., Ind, Nicholas

The Element in the Room: Science-y Stuff Staring You in the Face (Festival of the Spoken Nerd)

By Helen Arney, Steve Mould

Head First Physics: A learner's companion to mechanics and practical physics (AP Physics B - Advanced Placement)

By Heather Lang

Biological Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes:: Building Coherence between Microbial Ecology and Molecular Mechanisms: 11 (Progress in Biological Control, 11)

By Davies, Keith, Spiegel, Yitzhak

Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour: Life at a Microscale

By Walter, David Evans, Proctor, Heather C.

Eriophyoid Mites: Progress and Prognoses

By Ueckermann, Edward A.

Nanoparticles and Occupational Health (Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 9)

By Maynard, Andrew D., Pui, David Y.H.

Early, rapid and sensitive veterinary molecular diagnostics - real time PCR applications

By Pestana, Erika, Belak, Sandor, Diallo, Adama, Crowther, John R., Viljoen, Gerrit J.