books by subject
Intermediate & Advanced Readers for Children

Billy's Brain Booster Juice

The Monster from Underground

Ghost Mouse

Dragon Trouble

Enormous Turnip

Wolf at the Door

Princess and the Pea


Superman's Guide to the Universe

Race Ahead With Reading: The Boy with the Pudding Touch

Four Corners: Zoos: Back To Nature

Hopscotch Twisty Tales: Rapunzel and the Prince of Pop

Archie & the Babysitter

Sleeping Beauty

Debbie and the Little Devil

Read with Oxford: Stage 1: Biff, Chip and Kipper: Mum's New Hat and Other Stories

Archie and Terrible Trevor

The Raja and the Rice: an Indian Tale

Sam's Pip

Kim's Big Red Cat

Meg's Pet Pig

The Hens

The Can Man

The Mystery of the Waterfall

Fish Fingers and Leaks (Start Reading: The Poor Pirates)

Four Corners: A Trip to the Beach

The Wizard and the Flea: a Mexican tale

Start Reading: Tales From Around the World: Wicked Aunt Baba: a Russian Tale

Ebony and the Mookatook Bush Independent Readers Fiction 3 (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)