books by subject
International Accounting

Chinese Village, Global Market: New Collectives and Rural Development

State Crimes Against Democracy: Political Forensics in Public Affairs

Investment Guide for EU Expansion: Support Funding, Tax and Labour Law, and Acquisition of Real Estate

Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East: Volume 1

The Fragmented World: Competing Perspectives on Trade, Money and Crisis (Development & Underdevelopment S.)

Negotiating Trade Liberalization at the WTO: Domestic Politics and Bargaining Dynamics

Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Economic Transformation

What Chinese Want: Culture, Communism, and China's Modern Consumer

Lifestyle Brands: A Guide to Aspirational Marketing

From Science to Business: How Firms Create Value by Partnering with Universities

Harmony Versus Conflict in Asian Business: Managing in a Turbulent Era

Emerging Powers in the WTO: Developing Countries and Trade in the 21st Century

Border Economies in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

Two Centuries Of Overseas Trading

Good Regulation, Bad Regulation: The Anatomy of Financial Regulation

Korean Entrepreneurship: The Foundation of the Korean Economy

Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance

Corporate Social Disclosure: Critical Perspectives in China and Japan

Africans Investing in Africa: Understanding Business and Trade, Sector by Sector

Laws and Regulations in Global Financial Markets

Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality

Regulation of Banks and Finance: Theory and Policy after the Credit Crisis

Growing Income Inequalities: Economic Analyses

Bank Performance, Risk and Firm Financing

Eurasian Integration: Challenges of Transcontinental Regionalism

Foreign Direct Investment

India's New Capitalists: Caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation

Inequality Around the World

Adam Smith: A Moral Philosopher and His Political Economy