books by subject
International Law
An Introduction to the International Law of Armed Conflicts
Treaties and Subsequent Practice
The Cambridge Companion to International Criminal Law (Cambridge Companions to Law)
The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World
The Sources of International Law (Foundations of Public International Law)
An Introduction to the Law of the United Nations
Treatise on International Criminal Law: Volume II: The Crimes and Sentencing: 2
A Responsibility to Assist: Human Rights Policy and Practice in European Union Crisis Management Operations
Modern Treaty Law and Practice
Basic Documents in International Law
The Law of Armed Conflict: International Humanitarian Law in War
Cases and Materials on International Law
International Law
An Equitable Framework for Humanitarian Intervention: 45 (Studies in International Law)
Humanitarian Intervention: Confronting the Contradictions
Borderless Wars: Civil Military Disorder and Legal Uncertainty
International Criminal Law: Fourth Edition
Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law
The Cambridge Companion to International Law (Cambridge Companions to Law)
The ‘War on Terror' and the Framework of International Law
International Law and the Use of Force (Foundations of Public International Law)
Law on the Battlefield: 3rd Edition (Melland Schill Studies in International Law): Third Edition
Mathematics for the IB Diploma Standard Level with CD-ROM
A Casebook on European Consumer Law
Surprising News
Gender Policies in the European Union: Foreword by Louise A. Tilly: 1 (Studies in European Union)
The New British Constitution
International Copyright: Principles, Law, and Practice (Revised)
The Return of Cultural Treasures