books by subject
International Relations

Mediterranean Security at the Crossroads: A Reader

Globalization: A Critical Introduction

State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World

Shadow Wars: The Secret Struggle for the Middle East

Challenged Hegemony: The United States, China, and Russia in the Persian Gulf

Turkish-Qatari Relations: From Past to Present in a Turbulent Geopolitical Landscape

East by Mid-East: Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities

The Limits of Westernization: A Cultural History of America in Turkey

The End of Empire in the Gulf: From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates

How to Lose the War on Terror

The Arab World After Desert Storm

The Life of the Sudanese Mahdi

Angels of Mercy or Development Diplomats?: NGOs and Foreign Aid

The Great Game in West Asia: Iran, Turkey and the South Caucasus

The Persian Gulf Region in the Twenty First Century: Stability and Change

Fragmentation of the Middle East

AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain

Israel's Clandestine Diplomacies

From the River to the Sea: Palestine and Israel in the Shadow of "Peace"

Unequal Conflict: Palestinians and Israel

Radical Arab Nationalism and Political Islam

A National Home for the Jewish People: The Concept in British Political Thinking and Policy Making 1917-1923

Oman Reborn: Balancing Tradition and Modernization

Turkish Intelligence and the Cold War: The Turkish Secret Service, the US and the UK

Dreams Deferred: A Concise Guide to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Movement to Boycott Israel

Kurds in Turkey: Ethnographies of Heterogeneous Experiences

The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Arab Press: The First Three Decades

Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions

The Poisoned Well: Empire and its Legacy in the Middle East