books by subject
International Trade

Public Spending and the Poor (World Bank)

The World Trade Organization: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides)

The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials

The Frozen Water Trade

International Economics:Theories, Themes and Debates

About International Trade (Finding Out... S.)

Congo-Paris: Transnational Traders on the Margins of the Law (African Issues)

Environment and Trade: A Handbook

Financing the European Community (Chatham House papers)

The World Trade Organization: Law, Practice, and Policy (Oxford International Law Library)

The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (World Trade Organization Legal Texts)

International Economic Law (International Economic Law Series)

Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics: 25 (Studies in International Political Economy)

The Rise of Merchant Empires: Long-Distance Trade in the Early Modern World 1350-1750 (Studies in Comparative Early Modern History)

Trade Winds on the Niger: Saga of the Royal Niger Company, 1830-1971

Caricom: Our Caribbean Community: An Introduction

Law of International Trade

Festivals of the World: Germany (Cased)

In Defense of Globalization

The Global Economy: Resource Use, Locational Choice and International Trade

International Economics

International Business

Intra-industry Trade: Theory and Measurement of International Trade in Differential Products

Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory

Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing Countries: Methods, Models, and Policy: Models, Methods and Policy (International Food Policy Research Institute)

Race for Tomorrow: Survival, Innovation and Profit on the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis

Bruach Blend

Technical Analysis (Schwager on Futures)

Understanding the World Economy