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Introduction to Programming

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PHP Anthology: OBject Oriented PHP Solutions, Vol.2- Applications: Volume 2 (The PHP Anthology)

By Harry Fuecks

Mathematical Computing: An Introduction to Programming Using Maple (R)

By David Betounes, Mylan Redfern

The Bride of Science: A Life of Ada Lovelace

By Benjamin Woolley

Interfacing with C

By Howard Hutchings (Late of University of Humberside), Mike James (Westland Helicopters, UK)

Maximum MIDI Music Applications in C++ Learn to Write Music Computer Programs Using Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

By Paul Messick

The Turing Option

By Harry Harrison, Marvin Minsky

Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with PASCAL

By G. Michael Schneider, etc.

iPhone 5 For Dummies

By Edward C. Baig, Bob LeVitus

BASIC Programming

By John G. Kemeny, Thomas E. Kurtz

Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller

By Myke Predko

Programming 8-bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: with Interactive Hardware Simulation

By Martin P. Bates (Martin Bates, Lecturer in Microelectronics (retired), Sussex Coast College, UK; formerly Course Leader, Foundation Degree Engineering (University of Brighton) and Course Manager, PIC Microcontroller Short Courses, Hastings Innovation C...

Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours

By Jesse Liberty

Computer Interfacing

By George Smith

C. Language (Computer Handbooks)

By Wagner-Dobler, Friedman

Intelligent Image Databases: Towards Advanced Image Retrieval: 421 (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 421)

By Yihong Gong

Expert Systems in the Microelectronic Age

By Michie, Donald

Computer Languages: A Guide For the Perplexed (Pelican S.)

By Naomi S. Baron, Baron, Naomi S.

Data Structures

By daniel-stubbs-neil-webre

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java: International Edition

By Weiss, Mark A.

Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach

By Sedgewick, Robert, Wayne, Kevin

PHP Anthology: Object Oriented PHP Solutions, Vol.1 - Foundations: Volume 1 (The PHP Anthology)

By Harry Fuecks

Mastering Algorithms with Perl

By Orwant, Jon

Teach Yourself C++, 4e

By Stevens

Sams Teach Yourself Borland C++5 in 21 Days

By Arnush, Craig, etc.

The Limits of Mathematics: A course on information theory and the limits of formal reasoning (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science)

By Chaitin, Gregory J.

Learning Java 2e +CD (Java S.)

By Niemeyer, Pat

Writing Apache Modules with Perl & C: The Apache API and mod_perl

By Stein, Lincoln

Art of Java Web Development: Struts, Tapestry, Commons, Velocity, Junit, Axis, Cocoon, Internetbeans, Webwork

By Ford, Neal

Building Progressive Web Apps: Bringing the power of native to the browser

By Ater, Tal

The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction

By Kruchten, Philippe