books by subject
Inventions for Young Adults

I, Ada: Ada Lovelace: Rebel. Genius. Visionary


Boy Giant: Son of Gulliver

Shocking Electricity (Horrible Science)

Harley Hitch and the Iron Forest


The First Book of the Piano

When We Got Lost in Dreamland

DK Eyewonder: Human Body Paper


The 1,000-year-old Boy

Recycled Science: Bring Out Your Science Genius with Soda Bottles, Potato Chip Bags, and More Unexpected Stuff

The Dog Who Saved the World

What Not to Do If You Turn Invisible

Brightstorm: A Sky-Ship Adventure: 1

Hands-On Science Fun: How to Build a Tornado in a Bottle

The First Book of the Piano (First Music)

Shells (Eyewitness Explorers)

Shadows in the Bedroom (Science Around You)

Forces and Simple Machines (Science Factory)

The Birth of Science: 1500–1700 (Science Timelines)

The Rise of Industry: 1700–1800 (Science Timelines)

The Digital Age: 1947–Present Day (Science Timelines)

Experiments with Water: Water and Buoyancy (Do It Yourself)

How Science Works

The Advent of Electricity: 1800–1900 (Science Timelines)

Inventions (Extreme Facts)

Inventions (Kingfisher Knowledge)

Hands On Science (Bind Up)