books by subject
Irish Poetry

Selected Poems

The Classic Poems

Rymyng Craftily: Meaning in Chaucer's Poetry

Milton the Puritan: Portrait of a Mind

The New Oxford Book of Sixteenth Century Verse

Beautiful Inventions

The Penguin Book of Scottish Verse

The New Younger Irish Poets

The Faber Book of Contemporary Irish Poetry

Selected Poems

Oscar Wilde: Everyman Poetry: 10

Collected Poems of Denis Devlin

Piers Plowman: "B" Text (World's Classics)

Emotive Image

Complete Poems (Everyman's Classics S.)

There Was Fire in Vancouver

The Poetical Works of Rupert Brooke

Book of Nonsense

Six Middle English Romances (Everyman's University Library)

Selected Poetry (Oxford World's Classics)

Poems 1956-1986

The Oxford Book of Short Poems

The Romantic Imagination (Oxford Paperbacks)

The Deserted Village (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

In a Time of Violence

The Canterbury Tales

The Poetical Works (Oxford Paperbacks)

The Sonnets (The illustrated Shakespeare)

Metro (Oxford Poets S.)