books by subject
Jesus in Christianity

Jesus and the Threat of Freedom

The Sociology of the Resurrection

From Jesus to Paul: Studies in Honour of Francis Wright Beare

Jesus and the Gospel Tradition

The Metaphor of God Incarnate

Jesus: An Experiment in Christology

Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus (Issues in Religious & Theology S.)

Jesus: Life or Legend?

For Christ's Sake: Towards a Contemporary Understanding of Jesus

Christology Revisited

Christ, Faith and History: Cambridge Studies in Christology

Christian Concept of Sacrifice: No. 39. (Fairacres Publications)

Remembering Jesus: Christian Community, Scripture, and the Moral Life

The Little Book of Sylvanus

Wounds Of Jesus

Living God

Resurrection of Jesus: A Jewish Perspective

Parables of the Kingdom: Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition

Great Physician

An Anglo-Saxon Passion

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

The Last Week: the Day by Day Account of Jesus's Final Week in Jerusalem

It's Friday, But Sunday's Comin'

Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals: An Interdenominational Curriculum for 4th-7th Grades on the Life and Teachings of Jesus

The Good Heart: His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration

Risen Indeed

Christ in All the Scriptures