books by subject
Jewish Theology

Burning Children - A Jewish View of the War in Gaza

Between Rome and Babylon: Studies in Jewish Leadership and Society: 108 (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism)

Metaphysics of the Profane: The Political Theology of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem

Power of the Blood: In

Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism

God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism

Man Is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion

Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life

Law, Politics, and Morality in Judaism (Ethikon Series in Comparative Ethics)

Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice

History of Jewish Philosophy: 02 (Routledge History of World Philosophies)

Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought

Israel and the World: Essays in a Time of Crisis (Martin Buber Library)

On Zion: The History of an Idea

God Interrupted: Heresy and the European Imagination between the World Wars

Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology)

The Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Political Thought (Suny Series in Jewish Philosophy)

The Star of Redemption

Torah from Heaven: The Reconstruction of Faith (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)

The Home We Build Together: Recreating Society

The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism: A Historical and Constructive Study of the Noahide Laws: The Idea of Noahide Law (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)

The Great Partnership

Reason to Believe: The Controversial Life of Rabbi Louis Jacobs

The Mishnah: An Introduction

Vegetarian Judaism: A Guide for Everyone

Keeping Kosher: A Diet for the Soul: A Diet for the Soul, Newly Revised

Cultures of the Jews, Volume 2: Diversities of Diaspora

Catholics, Jews and the State of Israel (Stimulus: Studies in Judaism & Christianity)

Cultures of the Jews, Volume 1: Mediterranean Origins