books by subject
Jewish Theology
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism
Man Is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion
Jewish Messianic Thoughts in an Age of Despair
Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity
Seeking Zion: Modernity and Messianic Activity in the Writings of Zevi Hirsch Kalischer, 1795-1874: Modernity and Messianic Activity in the Writings ... (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism: History and Social Setting of the Matthean Community (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)
Reason to Believe: The Controversial Life of Rabbi Louis Jacobs
The Jewish Bible After the Holocaust: A Re-Reading
Emil L. Fackenheim: A Jewish Philosopher's Response to the Holocaust (Philosophy) (Religion, Theology and the Holocaust)
On Justice: An Essay in Jewish Philosophy / with a New Introduction: An Essay in Jewish Philosophy; with a New Introduction (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
Law, Politics, and Morality in Judaism (Ethikon Series in Comparative Ethics)
Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice
History of Jewish Philosophy: 02 (Routledge History of World Philosophies)
Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought
Israel and the World: Essays in a Time of Crisis (Martin Buber Library)
On Zion: The History of an Idea
God Interrupted: Heresy and the European Imagination between the World Wars
Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology)
The Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Political Thought (Suny Series in Jewish Philosophy)
The Star of Redemption
Torah from Heaven: The Reconstruction of Faith (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
The Home We Build Together: Recreating Society
The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism: A Historical and Constructive Study of the Noahide Laws: The Idea of Noahide Law (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
The Great Partnership
Wrestling with God: Jewish Theological Responses during and after the Holocaust
Cultures of the Jews, Volume 3: Modern Encounters
Shoah: The Paradigmatic Genocide: Paradigmatic Genocide - Essays in Exegesis and Eisegesis: 008 (Studies in the Shoah Series): VIII
Jewish Gospels, The : The Story of the Jewish Christ