books by subject
Joan Aiken

The Wolves Of Willoughby Chase / Black Hearts In Battersea / Night Birds On Nantucket

Mortimer's Portrait on Glass (Knight Books)

The Witch of Clatteringshaws

Mortimer's Tie

A Bundle of Nerves: Stories of Horror, Suspense And Fantasy

Fog Hounds, Wind Cat, Sea Mice (Nyr)

The Wooden Dragon

A Necklace Of Raindrops

The Whispering Mountain (Red Fox Older Fiction)

Go Saddle the Sea

The Scream (PB)

The Winter Sleepwalker

The Whispering Mountain (Puffin Books)

A Fit of Shivers

Lady Catherine's Necklace

Silent Night (Christmas Ghost Stories)

A Handful of Gold

What's for Dinner? and Other Stories (Knight Books)

The Stolen Lake (Puffin Books)

Black Hearts in Battersea (The Wolves Chronicles Book 2)

Mortimer's Bread Bin (Arabel and Mortimer)

The Last Slice of Rainbow; Clem's Dream; a Leaf in the Shape of a Key; the Queen with Screaming Hair; the Tree That Loved a Girl; Lost - One Pair of ... the Spider in the Bath; Think of a Word

The Willoughby Chase Chronicles - The Beginning...

A Bundle of Nerves: Stories of Horror, Suspense And Fantasy

Bridle the Wind (Puffin Story Books)

The Wolves Of Willoughby Chase (The Wolves Of Willoughby Chase Sequence)

The Song Of Mat And Ben

Fog Hounds and other stories

Haunting Christmas Tales