books by subject

Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine

They Can't Kill Us All: The Story of Black Lives Matter

Reporting for the Media

The Power of News: The History of Reuters

Pauper Press: Study in Working-class Radicalism of the 1830s (Oxford Historical Monographs)

Guardian. Biography of a Newspaper

Newspaper Power: The New National Press in Britain

Oxford Study Thesaurus
The Rise and Fall of the Political Press in Britain: The Nineteenth Century v. 1

Soundbites and Spin Doctors: How Politicians Manipulate the Media - And Vice Versa

EPub Straight to the Point: Creating Ebooks for the Apple IPad and Other Ereaders (One-Off)

One Hundred Years of Journalism: Social Aspects of the Press

The House the Berrys Built

Battling For News: The Rise of the Woman Reporter (A John Curtis book)

The Newspaper An International History

Parliament and the Press: The Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery 1901-88 (Commonwealth Parliament bicentenary publication)