books by subject
Journalistic Communication Studies
Digital Jihad: Palestinian Resistance in the Digital Era
The Clarion of Syria: A Patriot's Call against the Civil War of 1860
Vintage Humour: The Islamic Wine Poetry of Abu Nuwas
A Divine Revelation of Hell
Long Transition
Space and Mobility in Palestine
Modern Afghanistan: The Impact of 40 Years of War
Sharia Compliant: A User's Guide to Hacking Islamic Law
How Happy to Call Oneself a Turk: Provincial Newspapers and the Negotiation of a Muslim National Identity
Ghosts By Daylight: A Memoir of War and Love
America & Islam: Soundbites, Suicide Bombs and the Road to Donald Trump
Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco
Desert Passions: Orientalism and Romance Novels
Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule, 1917-1967
The Palestinian Idea: Film, Media, and the Radical Imagination
Vulnerability in Resistance
Global Lynching and Collective Violence: Volume 1: Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
Covering the Shi`a: English Press Representation of the Lebanese Shi`a 1975-1985
Reza Ali Khazeni Memorial Lectures in Iranian Studies: Volume Two, Crafting the Intangible: Persian Literature and Mysticism
Exile in the Maghreb: Jews under Islam, Sources and Documents, 997-1912
Living in the Ottoman Realm: Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries
Media of the Masses: Cassette Culture in Modern Egypt
The Politics of Suffering: Syria's Palestinian Refugee Camps
TV Socialism
Last Scene Underground: An Ethnographic Novel of Iran
Losing Afghanistan: An Obituary for the Intervention
Nurturing Masculinities: Men, Food, and Family in Contemporary Egypt
New Jerusalems
Negotiating for the Past: Archaeology, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1919-1941