books by subject
Journals & Letters

Lady Under Fire on the Western Front

Le Grand Meaulnes

Riwan ou le chemin de sable

How Things are: Science Tool Kit for the Mind

The Common Years

Brief Encounters: Brushes with the Famous and Infamous

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories (Collins Classics)

Memoir of the Bobotes


Talking About Jane Austen in Baghdad: The True Story of an Unlikely Friendship

Letters to Sam: A Grandfather's Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life

Phenomenon of Welshness, The - Or, 'How Many Aircraft Carriers Would an Independent Wales Need?'

The Explorers: Stories of Discovery and Adventure from the Australian Frontier

Travels in Hyper Reality

The Moon is Toast: A Year in the Life of a Cricket Statistician

If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead Yet?

The Bush Dyslexicon

Have A Little Faith

The Journals Volume 1

Tangled Up in White

A Further Slice Of Johnners

Notes from a Bottle Found on the Beach at Carmel

The Nasty Bits: Collected Cuts, Useable Trim, Scraps and Bones


The Epigrams of Oscar Wilde

OxTravels: Meetings with remarkable travel writers (Ox-tales)

Love Letters

Cultural Amnesia: Notes in the Margin of My Time