books by subject
Jurisdictions Other Than England & EU

Emmins On Sentencing (Blackstone's Practical Approach Series) (Society for Classical Studies American Classical Studies)

Textbook on Land Law (Textbook S.)

Textbook on Criminal Law (Textbook S.)

Student Handbook of Criminal Justice and Criminology

Law and the Internet: A Foundation for Electronic Commerce

Competition Law of the European Community

Textbook on Criminal Law (Textbook S.)

Textbook on Criminal Law, 6th Ed.

Criminal Law: Text and Materials

Casebook on Torts

Treitel on the Law of Contract

The Law of Contract

The law of contract

The Law of Contract

Law of Contract

Irish Land Law

Cases and Materials on Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks & Allied Rights

Competition Law of the EU and UK

Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights

Modern Law of Copyright and Design: v. 2

Casebook on Torts

Contract Law in Scotland

Intellectual Property and Information Law, Essays in Honour of Herman Cohen Jehoram (Information Law Series Set)

Cases and Materials on Intellectual Property

Smith and Hogan Criminal Law

Textbook of Criminal Law

A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure (Practical Approach S.)

Japanese Trademark Jurisprudence