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Language Communication Reference

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People Skills

By Bolton, Robert

Sonic Interventions. (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race): 18

By MIESZKOWSKI, Sylia, Joy SMITH and Marijke de VALCK (Eds.), Sylia Mieskowski, Joy Smith, Marijke de Valck

The New Language of Toys: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Special Needs: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Special Needs - A Guide for Parents and Teachers

By Schwartz, Sue, Miller, Joan E.Heller

Identity and Difference: 3 (Culture, Media and Identities series)

By Woodward, Kathryn

The Oxford Guide to Writing & Speaking

By Seely, John

The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill

By Maggie Wykes, Barrie Gunter

AS Media Studies: The Essential Revision Guide for AQA (Essentials)

By Wall, Peter, Barker, Jo

Suena: Cuaderno de ejercicios 2 (Metodos)

By Cabrerizo Ruiz, Maria Aranzazu, Gomez Sacristan, Maria Luisa, Ruiz Martinez, Ana Maria

New Media: A Critical Introduction

By Lister, Martin

Digital Aesthetics (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)

By Cubitt, Sean

The New Media Theory Reader

By Hassan, Robert


By Aliki

The Practice of Questioning (International Series on Communication Skills)

By Dillon, J.T.

Investigating Classroom Discourse (Domains of Discourse)

By Walsh, Steve

Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning

By Marton, Ference, Tsui, Amy B.M., Chik, Pakey P.M., Ko, Po Yuk

You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation

By Tannen, Deborah

The Open Economy: Tools for Policymakers in Developing Countries (E.D.I. Series in Economic Development)

By Dornbusch, Rudiger, Helmers, F. Leslie C. H.

Parasites: Exploitation and Interference in French Thought and Culture: 128 (Modern French Identities)

By Phillips, Matt, Weber, Tomás

Television and Its Audience: 3 (SAGE Communications in Society series)

By Patrick Barwise, Andrew Ehrenberg

The Globalization of News

By Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Terhi Rantanen, Boyd-Barrett, Oliver, Rantanen, Terhi

Soap Opera and Women′s Talk: The Pleasure of Resistance (Communication and Human Values)

By Brown, Mary Ellen

Agenda-Setting: 6 (Communication Concepts)

By James Dearing, Everett Rogers

Race, Multiculturalism, and the Media: From Mass to Class Communication

By Wilson, Clint C., Gutierrez, Felix

Why Viewers Watch: A Reappraisal of Television's Effects

By Fowles, Jib

Intercultural Communication: A Global Reader

By Jandt, Fred E.

Information and Organizations: The Manager as Anthropologist

By Boisot, Max

Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide

By Crystal, David

Personal Connections in the Digital Age (DMS - Digital Media and Society)

By Baym, Nancy K.

Information Graphics: Innovative Solutions in Contemporary Design

By Peter Wildbur, Michael Burke

Media Analysis Techniques

By Berger, Arthur A