books by subject
Language & Grammar

AQA Functional English Teacher's Book

The Art of Coarse Language

AQA Functional English


Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 1 MS F: Facsimile Edition

The Cambridge Old English Reader

Speak Welsh - An Introduction to the Welsh Language Combining a Simple Grammar, Phrase Book and Dictionary

Beginning Biblical Hebrew

Greek Phrase Book

Arabic Phrase Book

Collins Spanish Dictionary Pocket edition: 60,000 translations in a portable format

Tuttle Concise Chinese Dictionary: Chinese - English / English - Chinese


Easy Learning Spanish Dictionary (Collins Easy Learning Spanish)

Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure

Project X Phonics: Red 7b A Quick Quiz

Focus on Literacy: Bk.2: Pupil Textbook

101 French Verbs with MP4 Video Disc

Facon de Parler 2 5ED: Activity Book

English Direct – Student’s Book 2: Level 2

Why Jumpers are Woolly Extra Large format Non-Fiction 2 (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction: 6 Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Bestseller!

Language and Silence: Essays and Notes, 1958-66

Creative Writing For Dummies

Grammar without Groans: An Informal Guide to Common English Usage

Handbook of English Linguistics

Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation: An Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics for Nonspecialists

Dictionary of Diseased English