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The Oxford Compact Dictionary and Thesaurus

By Elliott, Julia, Knight, Anne, Cowley, Chris

Contemporary France: An Introduction to French Politics and Society (Hodder Arnold Publication)

By David, Howarth

The Social Art: Language and Its Uses

By Macaulay, Ronald

English Extra Key Stage 3

By Wood, Jeffrey, Lynn

Muvver Tongue

By Barltrop, Robert, Wolveridge, Jim

Identity and Difference: 3 (Culture, Media and Identities series)

By Woodward, Kathryn

My First ABC

By Allen, Pamela

Defence Speeches (Oxford World's Classics)

By Cicero, Berry, D. H.

La Derive Des Sentiments

By Simon

War Torn: Stories of War from the Women Reporters Who Covered Vietnam

By Fawcett, Denby, Kazickas, Jurate, Lederer, Edith, Mariano, Ann Bryan, Merick, Anne Morrissy, Palmer, Laura, Webb, Kate, Wood, Tracy, Bartimus, Tad

War Torn: Stories of War from the Women Reporters Who Covered Vietnam

By Fawcett, Denby, Kazickas, Jurate, Lederer, Edith, Mariano, Ann Bryan, Merick, Anne Morrissy, Palmer, Laura, Webb, Kate, Wood, Tracy, Bartimus, Tad

The Elements of Style by William Strunk jr. & How To Speak And Write Correctly by Joseph Devlin - Special Edition

By William Strunk Jr.

LEGO DC Superheroes: Phonics Box Set 2

By Lee, Quinlan B.

Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book: Dutch

How Languages are Learned (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers)

By Lightbown, Patsy M., Spada, Nina

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (Oxford Paperback Reference)

By Baldick, Chris

Collins Mondadori Dizionario Inglese

The Penguin Book of Greek Verse: With Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem

By Trypanis, Constantine

Soundings (Intermediate Listening: Longman ELT Skills Series)

By Bell, Jan

Spelling and Society: The Culture and Politics of Orthography around the World

By Mark Sebba

Planning from Lesson to Lesson: Way of Making Lesson Planning Easier (Pilgrims Longman resource books)

By Woodward, Tessa, Lindstromberg, Seth

Conversation and Dialogues in Action (Language Teaching Methodolgy Series: ELT Classroom Techniques and Resources)

By Dornei, Zoltan, Thurrell, Sarah

Outlines (Longman skills)

By Hopkins, Andy, Tribble, Chris

Gardening for Beginners: 1

By Abigail Wheatley, Emily Bone, Lisa Dejohn, Hayley Young

Perspectives (Intermediate Writing: Longman ELT Skills Series)

By Hopkins, A.

Cassell Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins

By Rees, Nigel

Understanding Second Language Acquisition (Understanding Language)

By Ortega, Lourdes

Understanding Second Language Acquisition (Understanding Language)

By Ortega, Lourdes

An Introduction to Applied Linguistics

By Schmitt, . Schmitt

Political Ideas and the Enlightment in the Romanian Principalities

By Ochs, M