books by subject
LGBTQ+ Critical Theory
Do It Like a Woman: ... and Change the World
Women and gender in Southern Africa to 1945
Women and the Women's Movement in Britain, 1914-1959
Invisible Relations: Representations of Female Intimacy in the Age of Enlightenment
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Collins Classics)
Stardom: Industry of Desire
Notes of a Desolate Man
Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema
Future Indefinite
Present Indicative: The First Autobiography of Noel Coward
Crossroads: In Search of the Moments that Changed Music
Diversify: An award-winning guide to why inclusion is better for everyone
A Vindication of the Rights of Men; A Vindication of the Rights of Woman; An Historical and Moral View of the French Revolution
Manhood and Morality: Sex, Violence and Ritual in Gisu Society
Liver Detox Plan: The Revolutionary Way to Cleanse and Revive Your Body
Feminist Perspectives on Eating Disorders
Why Feminism?: Gender, Psychology, Politics
Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John
Running with Scissors: A Memoir
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Live Theory
David Hockney
Benjamin Britten
Bruce Chatwin BC Only
Fashioning the Feminine: Representation and Women's Fashion from the Fin de Siecle to the Present
The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader
A Boy Called Mary: Kris Kirk's Greatest Hits
Body Positive Power: How to stop dieting, make peace with your body and live
All In: The Autobiography of Billie Jean King