books by subject

Schaum's Outline of Optics

Clinical Optics Third Edition

The Basic Law of Colour Theory

Homemade Holograms: The Complete Guide to Inexpensive, Do-It-Yourself Holography

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Definitive Edition Volume 3

Science in Colour (Primary Colours)

Colour (Pelican S.)

Optoelectronics: An Introduction

Clinical Optics

Nonlinear Optics (Advanced Topics in the Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences)

Electron Optics and Electron Microscopy

Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the Reinvention of Seeing

Colours (Usborne simple facts)

Optics, 11e

Zapped: From Infrared to X-rays, the Curious History of Invisible Light

Magnetic Susceptibility of Superconductors and Other Spin Systems

Modern Spectroscopy

Fundamentals of Optics (Asia Higher Education Science Physics)

Selected Topics in Advanced Solid State and Fibre Optic Sensors (Materials, Circuits and Devices)

Coherent Optical Fiber Communications: 4 (Advances in Opto-Electronics, 4)

Fundamentals of Fluorescence Microscopy: Exploring Life with Light

Complex Dynamics and Morphogenesis: An Introduction to Nonlinear Science

Photonic Crystal Fibers: Properties and Applications: 102 (Springer Series in Materials Science, 102)

Outdoor Lighting: Physics, Vision and Perception

Cloud Optics: 34 (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library, 34)

Acoustical Imaging: Volume 28 (Acoustical Imaging, 28)

Bursty Human Dynamics (SpringerBriefs in Complexity)

Spatial Statistics for Remote Sensing: 1 (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, 1)

Remote Sensing of Aquatic Coastal Ecosystem Processes: Science and Management Applications: 9 (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, 9)