books by subject
Linguistics References

Rural Poverty in Asia: Priority Issues and Policy Options

The Language of Comics

Doing English: A Guide for Students (Doing... Series)

New Words for Old: Recycling Our Language for the Modern World

Italian Pocket Dictionary

Aristophanes and Athens: An Introduction to the Plays

Out of Order: Russian Political Values in an Imperfect World

Trust and Democratic Transition in Post-Communist Europe

Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections without Democracy

Sociolinguistics: Goals, Approaches and Problems

Spanish Dictionary (Collins Gem) (Collins Gems)

Pluralism, Justice, and Equality

The Language of Advertising

Simon and Schuster'S International Dictionary: Dic Cionario I

World Development Report: 1983



Development of Meaning: Study of Children's Use of Language

Public Moralists: Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain 1850-1930

Punctuation Made Easy in One Hour

Introduction to Language Development

Medical Spanish, Fourth Edition

The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained

Morality and Moral Theory: A Reappraisal and Reaffirmation

Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain

Street French 1: The Best of French Slang: Bk.1

Street French Slang Dictionary and Thesaurus

Lawyer's Latin: A Vade-Mecum
