books by subject
Linux Distributions

Linux in Plain English (Slackware S.)

Red Hat® Certified Technician & Engineer (RHCT and RHCE) Training Guide and Administrator's Reference


Building Embedded Linux Systems 2e

Exploring Expect: A TCL Based Toolkit for Automating Interactive Programs (Nutshell Handbooks)

Understanding the Linux Kernel

Linux & Unix Shell Programming

Learning the Korn Shell 2e

Linux Systems Programming

Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics

Red Hat Fedora 4 Unleashed

Linux For Dummies

Red Hat Lnx Ntwrk Sys Ad 3e w/

Red Hat Linux 7.2 Unleashed

Linux In No Time

Linux Bible 2011 Edition: Boot Up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, OpenSUSE, and 13 Other Distributions

Ubuntu for Non-Geeks: A Pain-Free, Get-Things-Done Guide: A Pain-Free, Project-Based, Get-Things-Done Guidebook

Linux Socket Programming by Example

vi Editor Pocket Reference

Learning the Unix Operating System: A Concise Guide for the New User (In a Nutshell)

Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills: An Introduction to Software Tools for Biological Application

Windows & Linux Integration: Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment

Ubuntu 8.10 Linux Bible

Unix for Oracle DBAs Pocket Reference: Command Syntax and Scripts

Linux Essentials, Second Edition

Ubuntu Linux Toolbox: 1000+ Commands for Ubuntu and Debian Power Users

Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide

Beginning Ubuntu Server Administration: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)

Linux in Easy Steps