books by subject
Literary Criticism & Collections for Children

The Collins Book Of Ballet and Dance Stories

Horse and Pony Stories

Action Songs (Ladybird Action Rhyme Books)

Tales of Trotter Street: "Angel Mae", "Big Concrete Lorry", "Snow Lady", "Wheels": "Angel Mae", "Big Concrete Lorry", "Snow Lady", "Wheels"

The Barefoot Book of Animal Tales from Around the World

King Lear

Level 5: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

Huckleberry Finn

The Sheep-Pig & Ace

My Hen is Dancing (Read & Wonder)

The Blob Can Blink!

South and North, East and West

Shake Before Opening

The Oxford Treasury of Classic Poems (Oxford treasury classics)

A Piece of String is a Wonderful Thing (Read & Wonder)


Edwina the Emu

Dick King-Smith's Animal Friends

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Poetry Speaks to Children with CD

Acting Rhymes Read On (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

I Went to School This Morning

When Dad Went Fishing

Am I a Cat?

What a Tale (Cat On The Mat Books)

Ride a Cock Horse: And Other Nursery Rhymes

What a Wonderful World!: Stories and poems celebrating creation (A Lion book)

Shakespeare and Macbeth

Horse Poems (Poetry Paintbox)