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Literary Theory & Movements

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Hamlet (The RSC Shakespeare)

By Bate, Jonathan, Rasmussen, Eric

1 available

Macbeth (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Brady, Linzy, James, David, Gibson, Rex, Wienand, Vicki, Andrews, Richard, William Shakespeare, Edited by Linzy Brady, David James, Rex Gibson, General editor Richard Andrews, Vicki Wienand

1 available

Othello: York Notes Advanced

By Warren, Rebecca (Notes By.), Shakespeare, WILLIAM

1 available

Sylvia Plath - Selected Poems (Faber Poetry)

By Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes

41 available

Europe (v. 2) (Penguin reference books)

By Thorlby, Anthony K.

1 available

The Nation's Favourite Poems

By Griff Rhys Jones, Jones, Griff Rhys (Foreword), Griff Rhys. Foreword By., Griff Rhys

1 available

Selected Poetry (World's Classics)

By Keats, John, Cook, Elizabeth

1 available

The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems

By Pablo Neruda, Mark Eisner, John Felstiner, Alastair Reid, Stephen Mitchell

1 available

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialities (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Collier, Judith, Longmore, Murray, Hodgetts, T.J., Hodgetts, Timothy J., Judith Collier, Murray Longmore, T.J. Hodgetts

1 available

A Doll's House (Student Editions)

By Ibsen, Henrik, Worrall, Nick, Worrall, Non, Meyer, Michael

1 available

The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tragedy of Macbeth (Oxford World's Classics)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Brooke, Nicholas

1 available

Northanger Abbey and Persuasion: Northanger 3e Oia 5 C: V (Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen)

By Austen, Jane, Chapman, R. W.

1 available

Poems of the Late T'ang (Classics)

By Graham, A.

1 available

Roman Poets of the Early Empire (Classics)

By Boyle, Anthony

1 available

Emma: IV (Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen)

By Austen, Jane, Chapman, R. W.

1 available

Mansfield Park: Volume III: Mansfield Park (Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen)

By Austen, Jane

1 available

The First Three Circles of Hell (Penguin Classics 60s S.)

By Sayers, Dorothy

1 available

Joy for the Heart

By Rice, Helen Steiner

2 available

Pride and Prejudice: II (Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen)

By Austen, Jane

1 available

Sense and Sensibility: Volume I: Sense and Sensibility (Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen)

By Austen, Jane

1 available

Bitter Fame: A Life Of Sylvia Plath (Penguin non-fiction)

By Stevenson, Anne

1 available


By Muir, Edwin, Kafka, Franz, Muir, Willa, Franz;Muir, Willa;Muir

1 available

YNA2 Frankenstein: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for 2021 assessments and 2022 exams (York Notes Advanced)

By Mary Shelley

1 available

Greek Literature: An Anthology:Translations from Greek Prose And Poetry (Classics)

By Grant, Michael

1 available

The Greek Anthology;And Other Ancient Epigrams: A Selection in Modern Verse Translations (Classics)

By Jay, Peter

1 available

Critical Studies: Doctor Faustus

By Mangan, Michael

1 available

A Streetcar Named Desire (Student Editions)

By Tennessee Williams

2 available

William Shakespeare: The Extraordinary Life of the Most Successful Writer of All Time

By Gurr, Andrew

1 available

The Three Theban Plays: 'Antigone', 'Oedipus the King', 'Oedipus at Colonus' (Penguin Classics)

By Sophocles, Bernard Knox, Robert Fagles

1 available

The Aeneid (World's Classics S.)

By Virgil, Griffin, Jasper, Griffin, Jasper, Day Lewis, C.

1 available